Symptoms of magnesium deficiency are often not visible. In addition, magnesium deficiency manifests itself through some health problems, which are often overlooked. Magnesium is a very valuable element in the human body as a compound that is able to manipulate DNA, ATP, and RNA for the harmonious functions of the body. Thus it is clear that every cell in our body requires magnesium to perform its functions. Magnesium content can be easily available to us through normal food intake. However, low levels of magnesium can be seen very common for irregular diet and lack of nutrition. 

Magnesium is needed to keep muscles and nerves to function normally and keep the rhythm of the heartbeat. With this magnesium helps to support the immune system and maintain strong bones. Magnesium also helps regulate blood sugar levels, which can increase the normal blood pressure and supports energy metabolism and protein synthesis. Magnesium has a positive effect in the treatment of health disorders such as heart disease, hypertension, and diabetes. Prolonged magnesium deficiency can cause a number of health problems and diseases associated with it.

Symptoms of magnesium deficiency

  1. Lack of energy: Magnesium plays an important role in converting food into energy. The high level of magnesium in the body allows it to better absorb glucose and convert it into energy needed. Lower magnesium levels in the body making a simple activity appears to be more severe, thus requiring additional power. This makes the body needs more oxygen and energy, which leads to low energy levels.
  2. Fatigue: The body requires a lot of energy in performing daily activities. Low levels of magnesium in the body inhibits the function of various enzyme systems. It slows body functions and makes the body feel tired more quickly.
  3. Mental Illness: Our bodies use magnesium in some chemical processes. Low in magnesium can cause some psychological problems such as depression, irritability, easily embarrassed, and anxiety. If this sort of thing is not known in a quick period of time, it can result in life-threatening seizures. Consuming doctor prescribed supplements can make meaningful change.
  4. Headaches: Headaches or migraines are often also caused by a lack of magnesium in the body. Antibiotics, diuretics, and excessive alcohol consumption can lower magnesium levels in the body. Increasing the level of magnesium is the only way to prevent headaches.
  5. Muscle tension and cramps: Magnesium is known to keep the nervous system to become calm and relaxed. This ensures smooth blood circulation and strengthens bones. The low critical element of this makes the declining level of health of the body and cause muscle tension, fatigue, spasms, and cramps.
  6. Insomnia: Insomnia is one of the common symptoms of magnesium deficiency. Magnesium helps to be able to sleep more quickly and soundly throughout the night. Thus, the pattern of disrupted sleep or inability to sleep can be caused due to lack the magnesium.
  7. Other symptoms: Other symptoms of magnesium deficiency are difficulty swallowing, constipation, urinary spasms, menstrual cramps, photophobia, chest tightness, neck pain, arthritis, breast pain, loss of appetite, nausea, and weakness. Low levels of magnesium also affects the heart. Palpitations, hypertension, cardiac arrhythmias, and mitral valve prolapse is a common magnesium deficiency symptoms.


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